Translate Personal Identity Card

For your trip abroad or longer stay abroad, you will need a certified translation of your identity document, such as your passport or identity card or other proof of identity.

Or you want to have your foreign identity document, such as your passport, identity card, driver’s licence, professional card or other proof of identity translated into German for presentation to German authorities.

We will gladly prepare this certified translation for you. Upon request, we can also provide you with this certified translation in a fast-track procedure.

The best thing to do is to send us your identity card electronically as a PDF document and state the language combination you require as well as your preferred date.

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Why is it important to have your personal identity card translated?

If you are living in a foreign country or plan to travel to another country, having a translated version of your personal identity card can help you comply with local laws and regulations. In some cases, having a translated ID may even be a legal requirement.

Your personal identity card is a crucial document that helps establish your identity. Having it translated can make it easier for authorities or other people to identify you if you are unable to communicate effectively in the local language.

If you need to access services such as healthcare or government services in a foreign country, having a translated ID can help you communicate effectively with service providers and ensure that you receive the assistance you need.

In emergency situations, having a translated ID can help first responders and emergency personnel quickly identify you and provide you with the appropriate medical treatment or assistance.

If you frequently travel to foreign countries or live in a multilingual community, having a translated ID can make your daily life easier by allowing you to communicate effectively with others and access services more efficiently.

When you’re living in a foreign country or planning to travel abroad, having your personal identity card translated can be a crucial step in ensuring your safety, legal compliance, and ability to access services. Here are some of the key reasons why it’s important to consider identity card translation, and how it can make a significant difference in your day-to-day life.

First and foremost, identity card translation can help you comply with local laws and regulations. In many countries, it is a legal requirement to carry a personal identity card at all times. If you’re living in a foreign country or traveling abroad, not having a translated version of your identity card could put you at risk of being stopped by authorities or facing other legal consequences. Having a translated ID can help you avoid these issues and ensure that you’re able to comply with local laws.

In addition to legal compliance, identity card translation can also be crucial for identification purposes. Your personal identity card is an essential document that helps establish your identity and personal information. Having a translated version can make it easier for authorities or other individuals to identify you and communicate with you effectively, even if you’re not fluent in the local language. This can be especially important in emergency situations, where quick and accurate identification is crucial for receiving the appropriate medical treatment or other forms of assistance.

Identity card translation can also be essential for accessing services. If you need to access government services, healthcare, or other important resources in a foreign country, having a translated identity card can help you communicate effectively with service providers and ensure that you receive the help you need. This can be especially important if you’re facing language barriers or other challenges that might make it difficult to navigate local systems.

Beyond these practical considerations, identity card translation can also be an important way to promote inclusivity and respect for different cultures. If you’re living in a multilingual community, having a translated ID can help you connect with people from different backgrounds and demonstrate your willingness to engage with other cultures. It can also be a helpful tool for promoting understanding and acceptance of different cultures and identities, as it can help people understand each other’s needs and perspectives more effectively.

There are many different approaches to identity card translation, depending on your specific needs and circumstances. In some cases, you might be able to get an official translation from a government agency or other authority. In other cases, you might need to work with a professional translation service to ensure that your identity card is accurately translated and legally recognised in the country where you’re living or traveling.

Whatever approach you take, it’s important to prioritize the quality and accuracy of your translation. Working with a reputable translation service can help ensure that your ID is translated correctly, and that you’re able to access the services and legal protections that you need. It’s also important to keep your translated ID in a safe and secure location, just as you would with your original identity card, to help prevent theft or loss.

How can you get your personal identity card translated?

If you would like to have your documents translated, it is best to send them electronically as a PDF document, stating the language combination you require and your preferred date.

You will also receive a quotation from us by e-mail, taking into account your preferred date. If you agree with our proposal, confirm our offer in writing by e-mail, stating your exact address and a telephone number for any queries. You will then receive an invoice from us for this translation service. After receipt of payment, we will send you the documents both electronically as a PDF file and by post. By arrangement, you are also welcome to collect and pay for the translation at our office.

Please note that if you use the certified translation abroad, you may need an apostille, over-certification or legalisation. Please feel free to contact us for further information.

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